shall be used at all times, except in any circumstances when said rules are in direct conflict with these posted Weston Athletic League (WAL) Baseball Rules. In such case, WAL Rules shall supersede Cal Ripken / Babe Ruth Rules.
The Home Team Scorekeeper shall record the official start time in the scorebook per the umpire’s watch or game clock. No new inning shall begin after the time limit has passed. The official start time will be declared by the Home Plate Umpire, and shall be announced to both managers, and recorded in the official scorebook. If a game is suspended for weather, then the same procedure shall be used. All divisions will have a double elimination playoff tournament. Undefeated team in championship game must lost twice to be eliminated.
Time between half-innings:
For all divisions except T-ball, play must begin within 3 minutes of the prior half-inning ending. The umpires will enforce this rule. Pitchers have a maximum of 8 warmup pitches in the 1st inning, or anytime a new pitcher takes the mound. 5 warmup pitches are allowed for pitchers remaining in the game.
Time Limits:
The official scorebook must be kept in writing or on GameChanger. Pitch/inning count sheets shall be kept by each team; the official pitch/inning count is the responsibility of the visiting team. The official pitch/inning count will be kept in writing using a WAL pitch/inning count form or in GameChanger. Both teams shall compare the score and pitch counts at the end of each inning. Any discrepancy shall be resolved before starting a new inning.
The game will end via 10 run mercy rules when one team leads by 10 or more runs at the end of 4 innings or later, or 3½ innings if the home team is ahead. The team that is behind must complete at least 4 full innings at bat. If the visiting team takes a 10+ run lead in the top of the 4th, 5th, or 6th inning the home team shall have the opportunity to finish the inning. The game will end immediately if the home team takes a 10-run lead in the 4th, 5th, or 6th inning. (There is no Mercy rule for TBall.)
Game will be considered complete regulation games if at least:
All pitch/inning counts in a suspended game shall be recorded; appropriate requirements shall be followed as if the game was a regular game.
Pitchers are limited to pitch counts for each game, and must observe the required days of rest per the following:
Required rest:
NOT allowed in any age group. Butcher boy is when the batter makes a fake attempt to bunt and then swings at the pitch. If a batter attempts to Slash bunt, the batter is out, and ball/play is dead. (see Rule Book, page 21)
Players must avoid contact when approaching a base if there is a legitimate attempt for a defensive player to make a play on the runner. If a runner does not slide he must attempt to avoid contact; if there is contact, and the runner did not attempt to avoid contact, the runner will be called out and the play is dead. If the runner makes intentional or malicious contact with a defensive player, it is an automatic out and the runner shall be ejected from the game. If a team does not have a substitute for an ejected player, that position in the batting order will be an automatic out every time the ejected player is scheduled to bat for the remainder of the game. As a minimum, an ejected player will be automatically suspended for the next game.
Must have proper catcher’s equipment (including protective cup and a throat guard) and must use a catcher’s mitt (except Rookie and T-Ball). Catchers must wear a protective helmet that covers their ears. All helmets must include a throat guard. Catcher is a required position in every division, including T-Ball. The Rookie catcher shall take a proper position in the Catcher’s Box while the pitch is being delivered. T-Ball catchers should stand well clear of the batter until the ball is in play. T-Ball catchers are required to wear a mask, but other protective equipment is optional.
There must be a winner for all playoff games. Playoff games that are tied at the end of regulation shall continue into extra innings until a team wins the game.
Any player bleeding during a game shall be removed until the bleeding has stopped, and a bandage applied. This player is considered injured until the bleeding has stopped.
Exception: Trips to the bathroom or water fountain. No player should be sitting in the stands.
All players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, time and style per the Babe Ruth Rule Book. Players not in uniform WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the game. Players must have shirts tucked in always during games. Pool players will wear the uniform of their own team.
No metal cleats for players in the Majors division or below. Metal cleats are allowed in the Babe Ruth Division.
Only 4 coaches are allowed on the field at one time. All coaches must complete background checks and must be approved by WAL. All coaches must be in uniform, shirt & hat. Managers and coaches are permitted to coach 1st and 3rd base. Players are also allowed to coach bases (Babe Ruth/Majors divisions only). Players must wear a helmet when coaching a base.
All Batters must wear a helmet at all times when batting, on base or on deck. On deck batters are permitted in the on-deck circle for the Babe Ruth, Majors and Minors. On Deck Batters must be in the batting circle behind the batter (1st Base side for left-handed batters/3B side for right handed batters.). There are no on deck batters for the Rookie Division and below (THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE).
Babe Ruth/ Majors only: A dropped third strike by the catcher is a live ball according to Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Rule 6.09(b). For the Minors and Rookie Divisions batters, may not advance on a dropped 3rd strike.
Players warming up pitchers (on or off the field) must wear a cup and catcher’s mask, with throat guard.
Majors and below divisions will follow all Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken bat rules. USA Baseball approved bats must be used.
For the Babe Ruth Division only: bat rules are amended as follows: All players league age 14 and 15 must use BBCOR (.50) certified bats, or a wood bat. All players league age 16 and above must use wood bats.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that only legal bats are used in a game. It is an automatic out if a player enters the batter’s box with an illegal bat. Managers/teams cited multiple times for using illegal bats are subject to a 1 game suspension, or more. This rule is for bats that are unauthorized and not for a bat that might be dented, cracked or are in some other way damaged. In those situations the umpire may require the bat to be removed from the game. There is no penalty in those situations.
A Manager should request a pool player if he believes he might not be able to field a team. • Requests should be made to the Division’s Commissioner. • Pool players will come from the Division below (i.e. Majors teams will receive a pool player from the Minors Division). • Requests should be made at least 24 hours in advance. • Pool players assigned will wear their own team’s uniform. • Pool players once assigned, must play the entire game—on both offense and defense. Pool players that are assigned and arrive at the game must play. Failure to play a pool player for the entire game will result in a forfeit. • Pool players cannot play the position of pitcher.
Babe Ruth: 60/90. Majors: 50/70 Minors/Rookie: 46/60. T-Ball: 60 foot bases.
Only one per inning in all Divisions, except T-Ball.
The Protest Committee will resolve any disputes involving games that are protested. The Protest Committee will include: WAL’s President; Vice President of Baseball; Commissioner of the Division. If the Division or game in question involves one of the three standing members of the Protest Committee, that person shall recuse themselves, and the President shall appoint another WAL Board member. Protests should be resolved in 72 hours.
The Disciplinary Committee includes: A Board Member designated by the President; the Vice President of Baseball; the Player agent; and Commissioner of the appropriate Division. If possible, disciplinary action involves a team, coach or fan related to one of the committee members, that member shall recuse themselves; in that case, the President shall name another member of the Board to replace that member. Players, Coaches, Parents or fans ejected from a game shall automatically be suspended for the team’s next game. Additional disciplinary action is at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee.